How to Speed Up Windows 10 | Tips to improve PC performance in Windows 10

How to Speed Up Windows 10

Looking to Speed up a Slow laptop or PC? We reveal simple and free steps that anyone can take to speed up a PC or laptop running Windows 10, 8, or 7.

Whether it happens slowly or suddenly over time, trying to work with a slow computer can be frustrating. Even if you're smart enough to take care of your laptop or PC, it's surprising how quickly things slow down. If you are having problems and are running Windows 10, 8, or 7, this post is for you!

Thankfully, you don't have to trade your computer right now. In fact, there are several steps you can take to boost the department's performance a bit. With some easy cuts in some more technical tasks, even the slowest computers can revert to their old self.

In this post, we show you 14 things you can do to slow down a laptop or PC using Windows 10, 8, or 7, especially for this article, Instead of focusing on system performance issues. You're using we're running Windows 10, so we'll use this version for directions and screenshots. However, any adjustments for Windows 8 and 7 will be noted directly below, if applicable.

1. Close System Tray Programs:-

If your computer is off to a slow start, then it’s possible you have too many programs starting up at the same time as Windows itself. Items in the system tray often launch at startup, and then keep going while you use your computer.

To access these items, click the up arrow on the right side of your taskbar.

If there are any programs you don’t need to have running, right-click them and close.

2. Stop Programs Running on Startup:-

Like tray programs, other programs that run on startup automatically can slow down your computer. Some you may actually want to run, such as anti-virus software, but others may be unnecessary.

Right-click on the taskbar and select Task Manager or press Ctrl-Shift-Escape to launch. Go to the Startup tab and you will be able to see the effects as well as every item that the Startup runs.

Go through them and decide which ones don't need to start automatically. This process is especially useful for performance if you can disable some high-impact people. But note that some of these programs are important for running Windows. For example, being listed as a publisher with Microsoft probably works best. If you are unsure, either skip this, or try a Google search for more information.

To disable, just right-click and press Disable. Remember, you are not disabling this program, just the fact that it runs on startup.

3. Update your Windows OS, Drivers, and Apps:-

You've probably heard that keeping your software up to date is a good idea for security. This is true and it can also help in performance. Windows will automatically send you a notification when an update is available. All you have to do is make sure you don't turn it off.

If you think you missed an update, you can always check. Go to Start and click on the settings or settings icon. Then go to Updates & Security> Windows Updates.

In addition to your OS, drivers and apps should be kept up to date. Again, this is good for both security and efficiency. If you think you've missed an update, a quick online search should indicate which version you should use.

4. Delete Unnecessary Files:-

Like our cabinets and drawers, our computers also become cluttered. While you can't really see it, you know it's there, and it can negatively impact your computer's performance. This is especially true if you deal with many large files on a daily basis, such as high resolution images, audio files and videos.

Every week, make a habit of deleting files and folders and then emptying the recycle bin. Doing this regularly means that you are more likely to have files and folders that you will remember exactly and will not worry about deleting something important by mistake.

Easy tip: HDDs usually run at peak speeds until they reach 90 capacity. So if you check how much space is being used and you are over 90%, that is probably why things are slowing down. SSDs slowly subside, so it's good to be on top. The SSD is recommended not to fill more than 75% of its capacity.

5. Find Programs that Eat up Resources:-

If you find that your computer is suddenly running slowly, it is likely that there is a special charge program. One way to identify the offender is to go to your task manager to find out what your resources are eating.

Right-click the taskbar and select Task Manager. Click on more details to get information about programs currently running on your computer.

You can click on each header to sort the list according to which applications are making the most of this specific resource. If you need to close something, try closing the original request first. If that doesn't happen, return to the Task Manager screen, right-click the application, and press End Task.

Windows 7: Instead of accessing the Task Manager, you must find the system configuration.

6. Adjust your Power Options:-

Windows comes with several preset 'power plans' to meet your needs. The default is set to Balance, which monitors performance and energy consumption. But if you are not running out of battery or trying to keep electricity bills low, this is really a concern. That way, you want to change your plan.

If your computer is already slow then the power saver plan option is not a good idea. This reduces your computer's efficiency for energy saving. As its name suggests, high performance plans are a good option. Although it consumes a lot of energy, it is a performance supporter so it should help to speed up your machine.

In addition to the standard options, you can choose to create your own custom plan. Go to Control Panel> Hardware & Sound> Power Options> Create Power Plan. Enter the name of your project and select Next.

Alternatively, you can start with an existing plan and adjust accordingly. To do this, select Control Panel> Hardware and Sound> Power Options> Power Plans or choose Customize and change the plan setting beyond the current plan.

In both cases, the basic options include how long the display stays on when you are idle and how long before the computer goes to sleep mode. It won't really affect your computer speed, but if you change the higher power settings you can make further adjustments that will have an effect.

7. Uninstall Programs you don’t need:-

We often install huge programs without realizing how much space they are taking. If you think this may be the case, you can easily install a program that you do not use. Even if this is a program that you use frequently, if it is particularly large, it may be worthwhile to just install it every time you use it.

To uninstall a program, go to Panel> Programs> Control Programs and Features.

Go through the programs and decide which, if any, you don't need. If you are unsure about a particular program, you can easily use the search engine for more information. Alternatively, you can also use a device such as a PC decoupler called The Right Tool to help distinguish the well-named.

8. Turn Windows Features On or Off:-

When you are in the Programs and Features screen, you may want to check that there are components of Windows that you do not need. Click Windows Properties on or off and you will see a list of these components.

You will want to be careful not to turn off what you really need. Then, find something you are not sure about. Good idea.

9. Run a Disk Cleanup:-

Windows comes with a built-in tool for junk cleaning that accumulates over time. To access the Disk Cleanup Tool, go to Control Panel> System & Security> Administrative Tools, and select Disk Cleanup from the list.

Here, you can select the types of files you want to get rid of and click OK. Then click on Clear System Files and select any system files you want to delete.

10. Defragment your Hard Drive:-

Over time, the files on your hard drive are broken. Since your computer now has to be checked in several places for fragments, it can run more slowly. The term "defragmentation" sounds a bit dramatic, but it basically means putting these files back in place so your system can run more efficiently.

In fact, this is something that Windows 10, 8, and 7 do automatically on a schedule. The default schedule is once a week, but if you suspect you may have a problem, you can log in and run it manually.

First, it is important to note that you only need to work if your computer uses a conventional mechanical hard disk drive (HDD). Solid state drive (SSD) works differently than HDD, and defragmentation is not required. If you both have one, just define HDD.

Go to My Computer and right click on the hard drive (named by default Windows (C :) even though you have renamed it). Then go to Properties> Tools and under Optimize and Defragment Drive, click Optimize.

You will then find an Optimize Drives screen popup.

Note that in the above screenshot, all drives are SSD. They need not be discredited. As with the image, the analysis for the SSD drives will be colorful, but available for the hard drives.

Select an HDD drive and analyze how many pieces it has. A good rule of thumb is to keep it below 5%. If it is above, you can click on Optimize to define the disk.

If you have an SSD, you will notice that Optimize is the original option. Clicking on it will run a tram command that will erase data that is no longer considered in use.

Windows 7: Find the Disk Defragmenter using the search bar and select HDD under the current status.

11. Adjust or Disable Graphics and Animations:-

Recent versions of Windows come with a number of graphics, including animated components and animations such as the flyout. This help make the application look sleeker and better and help improve the user experience. On the other hand, they can slow down your computer too.

Thankfully, these settings are easy to adjust and hopefully save some processing power. Go to Control Panel> System & Security> System> Advanced system settings. Then, in the Performance section, press Settings and you will have a full list of options.

You can choose Ad Adjust for best performance (this will remove all visual effects) or individually remove some. This is a priority, but the opacity and shadow features are something you might be able to survive.

Windows 7: Search for performance information and tools, adjust the visual effects, and use the Visual Effects tab.

12. Upgrade your Hardware:-

f Now that you've tried all of the above tricks, it may be time to invest in new hardware. Here are some things you might want to consider:

  • Add SSD: While HDDs offer more space for lower prices, adding SSDs can give your computer a chance to run faster.
  • Add more RAM: If you have an older system, it may have less memory to run modern applications effectively. In addition, if you use many programs at the same time, you may not have enough random access memory (RAM) to carry you. Applying a new ram kit can give you the boost you need.

More Tips

Of course, this doesn't slow down your operating system itself. Some computer habits and other apps and systems may help with the overall slow experience. Here are some more tips to help you speed up:

  • Keep your computer clean: This may seem obvious, but the dust and grime accumulated can actually slow down your computer. Regularly cleaning your computer helps to speed it up and prevent more heat.
  • Remove unused browser extensions: This can reduce your browsing experience so housekeeping is regular there.
  • Use memory-saving extensions: Speaking of extensions, if you're a Chrome user, there's a popular extension (Great Suspender) that reduces the impact of open tabs on memory.
  • Regular restart: Sometimes all you need is a fresh boot. Restarting your computer may cause updates to take effect and stop trapped programs. When you're having a break, a good time to restart can be when you go and make yourself a Kappa again.
  • Run fewer programs at the same time: Just as multitasking can be detrimental to our productivity, running multiple programs at the same time can slow down your computer. Make it a habit to close programs instead of just minimizing them and you should see some improvement.
  • Reinstall operating system: If you've tried everything and you're still having problems, one last tactic may be to use a fresh install of Windows.
